1 min read

Weekly Update #35: We are back!

Hello! I was off for a few weeks and now I’m back with some news.

The macro landscape has looked fairly similar for the past few months. Softening inflation, weaker but still solid jobs market, 2% GDP growth, assets super buoyant, housing prices solid, homebuilders ripping, China soft, etc. These things have all been mostly true all year.

The model went long crypto majors yesterday. We finally got the breakout that confirms that the bottom is in and next leg up is already kicking in. We are fully allocated in size.

LINK OF THE WEEK: The bear case

John Hussman is a mathematician and hedge fund manager. He is known for a strongly quantitative approach to macro-investing and publishes a regular market comment freely available on his website.

It´s a long piece but well worth your time. He gives interviews very rarely. Enjoy!

That’s it from us this week, thanks for reading!

DISCLAIMER: The No Rainy-Day Portfolio is not registered with any financial regulatory agencies. Content is for research, education, and entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered personalized financial advice.